Monday 6 June 2011

Auckland vs London pt3: Rain

It's raining in London, and has been for about five hours.

This otherwise unremarkable fact is given new life by a much more remarkable fact: it's been the driest Spring in the South East of England for over a century. Information like this usually prompts people to bleat 'climate change' in the same way that, come April, they start optimistically parroting the media's 'Barbecue Summer!!!' predictions, and then trot out another line come the first hint of cloud: 'that's it, we've had our Summer!!!'.

The regular reader of this blog will understand that I have no truck with such nonsense. Here instead, and continuing my now-sporadic series of comparisons of the weather in London and Auckland, are the facts about rainfall, accompanied by this posh chart:

Auckland (in blue) is WET!!  Wetter than I could have imagined.  There's so much blue on that chart, it's like a tsunami of rain gushing mightily over the meek cracked earth of London.  I almost feel sorry for London's tiny red defences as it struggles to cope and starts baling furiously with a saucepan.

One of the clichés about Blighty is that it rains a lot (...another cliché being that English people talk about nothing but the weather...), but this little gem of research betrays that as being poppycock and balderdash.  London is much drier than Auckland, all year round.  At certain times of the year it's three times as dry.  I should imagine this Spring is drier in London by many multiples.

So, we've found out so far that Auckland is (1) sunnier, (2) hotter and now (3) wetter. London is so middle-of-the-road, it's embarrassing.  I won't even mention the fact that Auckland is (4) funkily volcanic.

I need to ditch my tweed coat and get a wetsuit with a sunroof.

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